Professional carpet cleaning will save you money by extending your carpet’s life, and it will also keep your home healthier as it kills germs and allergens. Of course, it will also provide a more aesthetically appealing look and feel to your home!
At Super Steam, we strive to provide the cleanest results possible. This requires three key things:
- Well-trained experienced cleaning technicians
- Well-trained experienced cleaning technicians
- Well-trained experienced cleaning technicians
Just like anything else, you pay for what you get. There may be others in town that can do it for less, but we guarantee they are not operating at the same standard as Super Steam. As you well know, replacing your carpet can be very expensive. Here are several reasons why you should avoid cheap carpet cleaners and instead invest in good quality professional carpet cleaning to preserve the life of your carpet:
1. The problem with cheap carpet cleaning equipment
There is a wide range of carpet cleaning equipment, and cheap carpet cleaners will use cheap equipment that does not have the power and thorough cleaning capabilities that our high-end truck-mounted equipment can offer. This means that although at the surface level it may look clean initially, cheap equipment will not provide as deep of a cleaning, and it will not be able to clean the tough stains.
One of the most significant issues with cheap carpet cleaning equipment is they are often not powerful enough to suck out all the cleaning chemicals and soap from the carpet. This will then stay in the carpet fibres and attract new dirt and germs, making your carpet dirtier quicker, which ultimately leads to replacing your carpet sooner.
2. The problem with cheap chemicals
Those using cheap equipment will also typically, in turn, use the cheapest of chemicals possible. This can be bad for the carpet and bad for your health. Unfortunately, we have seen cheap carpet cleaners who also dilute their chemicals, so their costs are reduced. This is just wrong and unfair to the customer who is expecting the job to be performed right!
3. Inexperienced or inadequately trained cleaning technicians
Cheap carpet cleaners equal cheap labour. This leads to workers who call themselves cleaning technicians, but in reality, their experience and skill set of carpet cleaning is limited to vacuuming the carpets for their mother while growing up!
Another concern with inexperienced low-cost labourers is they are entering your home. Cheap carpet cleaners aren’t concerned with employee background checks; they simply need cheap labourers to do the job, and they will take whoever is willing to do it!
4. Unreliable guarantees
Cheap carpet cleaners are a dime a dozen, and they come in with lots of promises and guarantees, with low basement pricing, but when tomorrow comes, and you need them to make good on their word, they cannot be found. They have gone out of business or just don’t pick up the phone!
5. Extra charges
As a professional carpet cleaning, Super Steam does not use bait and switch tactics. Unfortunately, we have heard from customers time after time of cheap carpet cleaners who get the job with a low price, but once they start the job, inform the customer of extra charges. Often the customers have to agree at the moment as the job is in progress.
6. Damaged Furniture
Cheap carpet cleaners get in and get out as fast as possible. They focus on what they need to clean with little regard for their surroundings. We have heard horror stories from customers who experienced furniture or other damaged items and the carpet cleaners not taking responsibility for it.
In conclusion, although you may think you’re saving a few bucks, please think about all these other factors. Forget the cheap carpet cleaners! Save money in the long run by hiring a professional carpet cleaner like us, who will do the job the right way the first time. Look at our track record, our Google Review and awards. Our customer’s reviews are evidence of the quality of work we do!